Tuesday, January 20, 2015

How to become a Google Certified Teacher

I write this post to inspire other educators to become Google Certified Teacher. I've put together a few tips and ideas to help get your up there.

Google Teacher Academy México 2014
What is a Google Certified Teacher?
Educators who attend a Google Teacher Academy become Google Certified Teachers (GCTs). 
  • Remarkable educators with a passion for using innovative technologies and approaches to improve teaching and learning.
  • Creative leaders who understand opportunities and challenges, and have a desire to help empower students and other teachers locally and globally.
  • Ambassadors for change who model high expectations, leadership, lifelong learning, collaboration and innovation.
If you want to get certified, you must be well prepared for the journey. The competition is agreesive in terms of competition among other educators. There were hundreds of teachers all over Mexico and Latinoamerica who wanted to enroll in the first Spanish speaking Teacher Academy . After a few weeks thirty five teachers were proud to announce that they were accepted at the Google Teacher Academy Mexico. All of us had the great opportunity to collaborate, communicate, share with Amazing lead learners . After the GTA, GCTs are expected to positively impact change in their communities through a personal action plan. 

My Journey to Google Certified Teacher

Tips for Google Teacher Academy Applicants

A. Brainstorm Ideas for Your Two Minute Video Now
If you are not familiar with the application process, there is NOT a lot of time to between the time the applications open and the time they are due. So my advice is to start brainstorming ideas for your video right now! Get creative and outside your comfort zone. Wild ideas sometimes are the best.

B. Consider Pursuing Other Google Certifications
The video is only one part of the application, but it is the most time-consuming. It’s also a bonus if you are a Google Educator, Google Education Trainer, and/or Google Educator Group Leader. It’s not required, but it helps I think.

C. Have an Online Presence
Being active on social media should go without saying, but don’t just be a lurker or retweeter, share original ideas and content. Consider creating a blog or website to share more about who you are as an educator: You can even participate in twitter chats like: #mexedchat #caedchat  #IAedchat  #satchat #aussieEd #sunchat and more.

D. Get Involved and Active on Google +
Join your local Google Educator Group and get involved: share and collaborate. Of course if you live in Mexico there is a community called GEG Mexico. Not one in your area? Become a leader and start your own! Google+ is an amazing resource!

E. Connect and Collaborate with Other Google Educators
Follow educators who are already certified to see what they do and share. Be sure to ask questions and get feedback from these amazing educators! You can contact experts like Juan De LucaMónica Martínez, Dominique DynesDaniela Guerra,  Patty Zamora, Diana Saldaña, Marybell Rodríguez, Irina González, Andrea Barrios and Jimena García.

F. Watch Videos of Those That Have Been Accepted
It helps to see the variety of videos that have been accepted. Some videos look like they were directed by Alfonso Cuarón, Guillermo Del Toro or Alejandro Gonzaléz Iñaritu, but do not get discouraged, some other videos are very normal, like mine. Check out this playlist of the GTAMX cohort. Now get ready beacuse there is a new Academy of Innovators coming to Mexico City on December 1st and 2nd 2016. Apply here.

Todo sobre el Google Teacher Academy México 2014